Aug 1, 2009


Pretties! Hubby and Mum-in-law asked if I fed these with fertilizers?! Looks as if so because for such a short plant (2 feet tall), already so bushy - spilling out of its 6-inch pot and so many blooms!

Both Vinca Periwinkle and Yellow Alder (Turnera Ulmifolia) self-sown on ground saved last April, potted for pampered care (chuckle). Grew rather slowly to a foot tall on early July. Yellow Alder blooms once in the mornings and grow up to 3 feet tall in a pot.

Avid bloomer Vinca periwinkle, the tallest of the blooming-variety. Now above 5 feet high.

Lantanas in bloom after resting for 2 months, close-up shots of Lantana Camara 'Depressa' and 'Spreading Sunset'.

These Lantanas are a surprise, with difference colored blooms at different times. So it's guessing game to which colour theme of blooms.

While this Lantana didn't do well. Showed yellow leaves for quite some time. Tried watering frequently in the beginning then scarely lately, isn't helping.

Next to it (right) a self-sown Yellow Turnera outside of our compound. Grass-cutter were busy doing their job that day, quickly I saved it and replanted between Lantana and Heliconia. Somehow it's growing twice slower than before. Perhaps the soil combination? Seems to prefer hard soils.

This spot is a 'growing challenge'.

Episcia: Cute tiny red blooms from top till bottom.

Not a good day to be in KL. Rioting against I.S.A. I'm thankful to be resting at home and enjoy the view.
Zinnias: Yellow Flame and Pink.

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