Aug 30, 2009

Beautiful Desert Rose blooms

Desert Rose (Adenium obesum) bloomed today! OMG a success story, oh-joy!

It hasn't re-bloom since June, this majestic flowered plant we've bought at a nursery near Hicom mid-May. It has been growing lush green leaves, and more leaves! At least I'm watering less correctly, otherwise result to yellowing of leaves which eventually drop off.
Folks say "Fu Gui Fa" (plant's name in Cantonese) blooms in the hands of lucky people; so if it doesn't bloom it is fated. I could not accept that because it had 7 or 8 buds in the nursery and bloomed in our garden - so it has to be something that I'm not doing right.
Patiently waited. 2 months passed, unhappy with the result; I surfed the internet to research, read blogs, sight-seeing neighbour's Desert Rose; to understand "why" some blooms and some don't.
I find most bloggers and forums discussed about "prunning" the plant. The best illustrated demonstration on pruning back a Desert Rose by Mickeys Rose.

Early August, I replanted to lift its cauldex, trimmed some roots and pruned away 4 stems (had the heartache doing all 6 stems). 2 weeks later, tiny buds appeared on 2 pruned stems while leaves on the rest. Growing buds takes 2 weeks before finally bloom.
I snapped the swelling buds this morning. The largest is bigger than my index finger.

Later that evening, when we reached home after a day's outing, we were pleasantly greeted by blooms.
Ahhh ... perfect.

*** No pain, no gain. Do not be disheartened by minor losses, for they may lead you to major gains.

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