Aug 9, 2009

Roses Challenge

Glimpses twice of a terraced-house, end lot, with huge garden by the side. Filled with roses inside and outside of compound. OMG! So breath-taking to see healthy blooms, variety of colours everywhere. Sunset filled the wide garden and roses glowed.

This proved the theory that roses can survive this heat & direct sun. The big question is how come? Here a pic of my disapointing rose, buried 3 pellets of specially formulated rose fertiliser 2 weeks ago. Hopeful when buds appeared 5 days later but they turned brown! has some diagnosis for 'brown-edged Rose blooms', which could results from (a) Thrips or larvae sucking juices on new growth, (b) common condition called Baling caused by high-humidity or over-watering above the roses, (c) Heat Stress by new roses without a chance to adjust from partial sun/shade to full sun, (d) Botrytis - a fungal disease - proliferates during extended wet weather (check for brown-gray mold) or could be (e) Lack of drainage resulting brown-edge blooms, weak stems and sad leaves. Calcium deficiency common during hot weather in high-salt soils.

Why are my Roses turning brown on edges even while its budding? High humidity (too much concentrated chemical fertilizer) and insufficient water during periods of hot weather. Try using time-release fertilizer or fish emulsion in small amounts. Cut off the brown buds and wait for next cycle of bloom.

Here my Desert Rose, stop blooming since June'09. Notice the healthy green stems with abundance of leaves? Quite dissapointing as I wished to know how to have it bud & bloom. Tried fertiliser specially for its blooming, misting only in the evenings, shifting its pot to catch sun rays. Photos taken on Aug-2.

This evening, I uprooted the Desert Rose, trim the excess roots to raise its cauldex by half an inch above the soil level. Seems shaky after replant, wet & press soil downwards to hold it firmly.

3 days later, I pruned off 3 stems. Now it's wait and see.

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