Sep 25, 2009

Yellow brightens up

What's blooming beside the patio?

Yellow Alder (Turnera ulmifolia) blooms sporadically once from sunrise (about 6.30 am) until 3pm. If Yellow Alder is placed in full evening sun, then the bloom wilts earlier.

They are tropical hardy plants. I noticed they could survive afternoon till evening heat in full sun, 90+F. Leaves will droop as if to avoid the sun and to prevent further loss of moisture. After an hour or so from moderate watering, its leaves sprung up alive again. It didn't succumb to disease or pests and self seeds. When flower wilt and fall off leaving dried seed pod, so light its carried by wind. I would collect its seedling growing here and there in the garden, to replant next to Heliconia. I'm thinking orange-yellow-green mix on certain area of the garden.

Becareful not to over-water, leaves will yellow and drop off. In the begining, when its leaves droop had me worried and over-watered. This is our first pot, so you can see lots of missing leaves *grins*. I pruned a bit before Hari Raya - looks to me like a 'Ikebana'. Cute!

Davesgarden recommend this plant for xeriscaping.

A closeup on Yellow Alder's bloom; from afar it looked like a yellow hibicus, but a closer look one can see it doesn't have the staminal column with filamens at the end.

This bud will bloom tomorrow morning. Below 3 buds will bloom the next day. There will always be new buds everyday. Blooms bright yellow to keep my spirits up before leaving to work.

If you noticed, Yellow Alder pot swap places with Kesidang tree. We're experimenting if full sun will improve Kesidang tree. Its leaves turned yellow and drop off everyday had me worried. Looking for advice on Kesidang.

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