Sep 5, 2009

Grows with neglect

Pretties. Ixora chinensis 'Miniature Pink' will grow with neglect. Try not to over-prune that could prolongs the period before budding (bloomless).

The philippine grass grows faster than Ixora, therefore I seem to be cutting the grass more often than pruning the shrub into shape!

Heliconia psittacorum will grow with neglect. However its roots will travel all over your garden. Need work on pulling out young shoots.

Bougainvillea Vine Fuchsia-red with green and white variegated foliage now budding after dormant for a month. Variegated leaves are colorful even when not in bloom.

"Flowering is best forced by letting the plant dry to the point foliage shows wilting before watering thoroughly. This helps encourage the plant to bloom through stress reaction. Bougainvillea must receive full sunlight or bright light and must be grown in a well drained soil as it must be grown on the dry side." - southeasttexasgardening

Hydrangea taking its time to bloom. I'm kind of worried if it is greenish 'Annabelle'. Really, I'm hoping for Blue 'Endless Summer'.

Yellow Alder (Turnera Ulmifolia) self-sown in July was re-planted from outside into our garden. Should be budding soon, anytime now.

Big bright moon yesterday. Glows like a halogen street lamp.

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