Sep 6, 2009

Morning Drizzle on Sunday

Rained cats and dogs at 1 am followed by 7-hour light drizzle. Its certainly a refreshing morning with lots of dew. Wonderful morning to sleep and wake up much later. Glad to see the garden is intact except Wrightia and Marigolds need some straigthening up, lots of dreadful fallen flowerbuds and leaves from trees to sweep! 
Desert Rose bloom drooped heavy with raindrops.
Alisma blooms in plenty - blooms once in the mornings and fades after 2pm, in the afternoon heat.

Hydrangea up close.

Coming home after church, feels like I'm in a countryside ('kampung'); fresh air from morning coolness, light breeze carrying the scent of ‘Kesidang ‘ (canangrium scortechinii), distant ripples of water like a creek and little birds chirping in accompaniment.

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