Torenia fournieri (Bluewings) bent into 2, circled in white. It has been 2 days and still green, fresh looking. It has a bud, I wonder if it will bloom?
Whaddaya know? 4 days later, the crippled Torenia stood up!
Blooms purplish blue in real life but the photos shows them in striking blue despite Periwinkles still looked pink on photos. Amazing.
Countless buds :)
Blooms 4 days later :)
Self seeds sown early June.
Seedlings emerged late July (shown in pic) and when they've grown, I've replanted into planter box mid-Sep for bigger space. Spotted buds in late Sep only then did I realised they were Dot's Torenias, given to us last June.
Of course we were delighted :)
Blooms 4 days later :)
Self seeds sown early June.
Seedlings emerged late July (shown in pic) and when they've grown, I've replanted into planter box mid-Sep for bigger space. Spotted buds in late Sep only then did I realised they were Dot's Torenias, given to us last June.
Of course we were delighted :)