Lipstick red roses. We believed it's Cameron highlands breed from the size, colour and texture of its leaves compared to the localised environment. Weather in
Cameron Highlands lower by 10 deg C (50 deg F) day and night compared to the low lands - that is a lot of difference!; makes a wonderful vacation for families and friends to get away from the hot, humid and polluted cities.
For Roses, a different matter. Many argued that it is impossible for it to thrive or home gardeners to create full sunlight at cooler temperatures. Perhaps it could grow in East facing homes? Or to plant in areas with East sun and shaded from West sun - which is what we did. Noticeably this Cameron highlands rose will bud and bloom at year end during the cooler season.
The China Rose
(Cramoisi Supérieur) or a Bourbon Rose
(Louise Odier) tiny bud bloomed this morning, sweet fragrance for Deepavali. Wonderful to be at home.
Counting in Malay, Chinese, Indian. I used vowels for languages Chinese's PinYin and Indian's Tamil.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a tiger by the toe.
If he hollers make him pay,
Fifty dollars every day.
courtesy of children's counting rhyme

Photos 2 days later, beautiful petals fall off :(
Was careful when watering, not to knock the pot but the wind beat me to it.
I didn't trim the flowerhead yet cos it still looked good and slight fragrant.
Love your roses - they bloom so well..
But BTW - 3 is moon-ne, na-le is 4.
Thanks! Corrected & re-posted :)
I added recent photos of the roses, all's well end's well - look forward to next bloom (think positive) hehehe.
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