Spotted little flowerheads of Gerbera Daisy's (Gerbera jamesonii) late Aug, pic showing a week later.
2 weeks since late Aug, 1st Gerbera bloom is getting tired.
Pic left, 1st bloom starting to fade and 2nd has its florets blooming halfway on right.
Left pic, 3rd bloom and next our 4th a peekaboo baby.
Amazing Gerbera Daisy, they bloom in succession hence seemingly endless. A fun to be prying into its masses of huge leaves everyday, on lookout for little petiole with a flowerhead. I call them peekaboos :)
I think Gerberas will flower beautifully & vibrant in filtered sunlight although its label (when purchased) instructed "in full sun". Coral coloured Gerberas took 2 months to establish in the flowerbed, yet to see signs on our Yellow coloured Gerberas (which is our keen interest *fingers crossed*).
Meantime, I'm having a field time at snapping fat swelling green caterpillars. Counted today, 4 noticeably large and 1 skinny caterpillars. Will post their pics soon.
You have those beautiful daisy blooming so gloriously.
Do keep the dried up flowers and try propagating those seeds.
They might just germinate.
And I guess you had good time hunting caterpillars - can wait to see them.
Good idea! Now I'm wondering when's the right time to trim the oldest bloom?
I haven't tried saving Gerbera seeds & growing before :(
Green caterpillars now have pretty blue-white false eyes. Will post ths pics soon :)
One turned brown black (that's before pupa stage) was on the patio floor this evening, OMG! We scoop it and placed it on ground beside the periwinkle shrub. Don't look good, I think.
Trim the bloom when the flower is well spent, when the outer petals dried, the centre will also start drying up into crisp. Cut then.
The propagating part is also difficult - there may be a special technic to germinate them. I have not tried gerbera's before but had taken their seeds from the flower head. They look like dandelion seeds.
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