The Flowerbed, relieved from long hours of blazing hot sun (Marigold leaves and young buds were singed, Zinnia flowers and leaves looked tired), now they will face unceasing heavy raindrops and winds. The poor things in a state of disarray. Everyday over a week, I was straightening Marigolds with rafia strings and re-anchor Zinnias stems at the base in the soil. Little Yellow-Flame Zinnias gets flattened often and not enough sunshine. Really poor things.
Notice a Pink Zinnia bloom at the bottom? It has a deformed growth hence limiting its bloom size and flowering period.
Saturday, I bought foldable plant supports to anchor Pink Zinnias, same time it provides some support to Marigolds. Leaving good spaces in between and air circulation for little plants to grow and bloom more; Yellow-Flame Zinnias and Purple Gomphrena Globosa.
Gromphrena seedlings germinates well during rainy season. They are enjoying the wetness.
** You'll climb higher if you take a straight path. Doubt not the supports in life during stormy rains.
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