Spathoglottis plicata or 'Ground Orchid', native to Philippines and Southeast Asian. In Malaysia, it is know as 'Orkid Pinang', grows well in hot climate. It prefers damp soil, high humidity and light shade - or else it will be cooked in full afternoon sun. It blooms repeatedly year round.
It bears fruits; propagate from tuber division and can be germinated from seeds. Long and narrow green leaves, pleated or fluted - similar to Pandanus when it is not flowering. Leaves emerge from round pseudobulbs, as the orchid matures, will grow more and larger leaves.
More information on growing Spathoglottis P., click here. Prefers full morning sun in rich soils, good air circulation and water daily. Wa2n blogs on other orchid species as well and beautiful pictures!
Click here for a detailed view of Spathoglottis P. from blooms, fruits until its bulbs.
This orchid didn't seem to do well in our courtyard so I transplanted into the flowerbed where I digged out what's left of the Marigold orange (pic below).
Notice Turnera's seedling? It was growing wild at the fringe of the flowerbed. I pulled out and transplanted it to sit into the flowerbed comfortably because it matures with thicker roots system.
Thanks for dropping by at my gardening blog. My orkid pinang died a long time ago, but before that I managed to repot two plants and gave them to my relatives, not sure whether theirs are still alive :)
From what I can remember, it was not that hard to take care of the plant..and the flowers bloomed quite often. Maybe I will buy another one to replace the dead orkid pinang..heh!
Thanks for your feedback ;-) ... wow you managed to repot so many? Will keep you updated if mine bloomed *hopefully*
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