Having a garden that stretches from the front to the back had us unleashed dreams of having a patio for alfresco entertaining, dining, working, etc - just overlooking our garden, our sanctuary, and connecting with nature.
A view of our terrace from patio, jade pothos (Epipremnum aureum) commonly known as 'money-plant' here. Easy-growing-maintenance plant, does well in our humid weather.
[Update May-1,'09] This spot had us the opportunity to capture Tailorbird and Sparrows on video. Do have an entertaining viewing at http://jaimeboey.blogspot.com/search/label/birds

These are my favs and its evergreen but it hardly flowers. Flame Violet (Epicias Kee Wee) http://www.logees.com/prodinfo.asp?number=T5080-2
These are my favs and its evergreen but it hardly flowers. Flame Violet (Epicias Kee Wee) http://www.logees.com/prodinfo.asp?number=T5080-2
Episcia - The "peacock plant" or "flame violet". These are the most beautiful of all gesneriads, known for their very colorful, textured foliage. Great under lights or in a warm window. Blooms in blue, pink, red, and yellow. A hint: you'll get more bloom by limiting the number of stolons the plant produces. http://www.robsviolet.com/episcia.htm
[Update Jun-13,'09] Great news, Episcia (mother-plant) has been flowering non-stop since Dec'09. Each bloom could last about 4 days, lipstick red and crispy leaves draws curious stares to touch. 4th propagating-batch started to bud & flower end May'09, all eye-catching on the window sill.

Have fun trying out our reflexology walk, sets for the beginner and amateur.
Stepping on these stones barefeet is almost like connecting to earth.
Have fun trying out our reflexology walk, sets for the beginner and amateur.
Stepping on these stones barefeet is almost like connecting to earth.
[Update Jun-13,'09] For beginners, tread the right path and left path for the advance (or the maschochist).
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