I have no idea what it is ... please do tell me !
I snapped the photo of this creature stuck to the porch pillar.
Somehow it could feel the camera flash and sound because it crawled up higher then faced me !

Goldfish is hardy and will live 20 to 30 years compared to a well-kept koi will live about 50. Comets are single-tailed goldfish and are considered the most hardy of all pond fish. http://www.ponddoc.com/WhatsUpDoc/Goldfish/GoldfishGuide.html
- "Pond Comet" is a totally orange-red fish.
- "Sarasa Comet" have red spots on a white body.
- "Shubunkin" is a calico fish that has black freckles on its body.
The Sarasa Comet (Carassuis auratus), a type of single-tailed goldfish, is originally from China and over the years has been distributed world-wide. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=16+1950&aid=2597
Sarasa Comet goldfish are omnivorous. Provide a daily diet of high-quality flakes and pellets, along with regular treats of brine shrimp, blood worms and/or tubifex worms. You can also feed them peas, zucchini and lettuce. http://www.ehow.com/how_4506719_care-sarasa-comet-goldfish.html
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Lindas fotos!!!
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