Oct 28, 2008

Rose buds in bloom

Spotted two buds in bloom today.

Tips for Growing Healthy Miniature Roses: Like their outdoor cousins, miniature roses go through a blooming cycle and a rest cycle each season. After resting, prune them back to encourage compact new growth. http://www.bachmans.com/retail/tipsheets/indoor_plants/MiniRosesforIndoors.cfm

I did not snip or pull off the fading blossoms previously and left rose's blossoms on the plant and allowed to drop their petals - they will form a seed pod that is known as the rose hips. Forming seed pods takes energy away from blossom production. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-rose-hips.htm

An update on the miniature rose's bloom progress ... the bloom was deadhead after 14 days.

"When you deadhead flowers, you are channeling energy away from seed production and into further flower production. In essence, to "deadhead" a plant is to trick it into forming additional flowers, .." http://landscaping.about.com/od/landscapingdictionary/g/deadhead.htm

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