Oct 16, 2008

Alternative garden trellis

Calathea lutea has grown up to 5' tall in just 4 months after planting! Hot-baking or soaking-wet is not a problem for this plant. Read about its 'time movement' characteristic called 'paraheliotropism' as described in this blog; http://ntsavanna.wordpress.com/2007/04/10/calathea-lutea-food-wrapper/

A wonderful landscaping idea, for a garden trellis, of having Calathea (grows above 3' tall) parrallel with the Ever-red Fringe (Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong') covering from ground level up to 2' tall, see http://jaimeboey.blogspot.com/2009/01/as-iridescent-as-prism-in-morning-room.html. Ever-red shrub has extremely dark chocolate burgundy foliage retains its color year round. You'll get the constrasting greens and reds colours to catch preying eyes from the front fencing and the backyard. https://azdomino.monrovia.com/monroviaweb.nsf/0a83b0ead1fe053a8825716c0073637d/4a6bf4dfdacda78f88257359005e0d6e!OpenDocument

Landscaped by Bukit Rimau Nursery. Calatheas are tied in bunches for a neat coverage. Our neighbours were recommended of their service for hassle-free grass-maintenance, flowering advises and foliage ideas.

Another landscaping idea of having Sanchezia Speciosa - it has gorgeous leaves, deep green with white main and secondary veins, making it look like a Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa). It likes full sun, regular watering, fertile soil and high temperatures. Another plant-recommended by the nursery.

Sanchezia shines with variety of colours and patterns on leaves as each leaves matures. Newer leaves sprouting at the top; mostly yellow will turn green as it ages. [Update May-1, 2009]

Best of all it creates a comfortable shelter for little birds to nest. [Update May-1, 2009]

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