Lots variety in Sunway and Sg Buloh nurseries. I recommend Sg Buloh where you could buy 3 types of Madagascar Periwinkle for RM10. Unsuccessful growing with stem cuttings however from seeds is 50-50. But once the plant established and & matures, it's hardier than any flowering plant. Perinwinkle Vinca seeds germinates and grows well, yet to have Madgascar's variety which is prettier.
If grown in full sun, you'll get Perinwinkle Vinca from seedlings reaching 5.5 feet tall in a year! See 'Stay@home2day' (Aug'09) and 'Foldable Plant Support' (Apr'09)
Located west of Malaysia *central of the Peninsular *south-western of state Selangor *city Shah Alam, Kemuning Utama Malaysia on the globe *3rd parallel north of Earth's equator *similar climates with Maldives, Indonesia, Colombia, Brazil, France (French Guiana), etc *90F Day (feels 96F), 80F Night x 365 *Humidity 65% *Climate: Equatorial + ITCZ *short thunderstorms, intense rainfall *40% of tropical rainfall >25mm/hour *Monsoon Nov to Feb *City Popn/Area density 413/kmsq
You can't predict how long to live; but you can choose how to live. You can't control the weather; but you can choose your moods. You can't change the way you look; but you can smile more. You can't force others to your demands; but you can control yourself. You can't foresee tomorrow; but you can make use today wisely. You can't win everything; but you can try your best to achieve. Hope for all towards positive thinking each day and always be happy! :-)
you have a lovely collection of periwinkles.
wished I had more like yours.
Lots variety in Sunway and Sg Buloh nurseries. I recommend Sg Buloh where you could buy 3 types of Madagascar Periwinkle for RM10. Unsuccessful growing with stem cuttings however from seeds is 50-50. But once the plant established and & matures, it's hardier than any flowering plant. Perinwinkle Vinca seeds germinates and grows well, yet to have Madgascar's variety which is prettier.
If grown in full sun, you'll get Perinwinkle Vinca from seedlings reaching 5.5 feet tall in a year! See 'Stay@home2day' (Aug'09) and 'Foldable Plant Support' (Apr'09)
I have managed to collect the white coloured vinca seeds & white with the red eye centre seeds.
Just planted them last week. Waiting for them to grow.
Thanks for the tip.
I will surely drop by to check those in Sg. Buloh. (Just hope to have the time to go)
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