Glimpses of newly installed flowerbed filled with new flower plants. Pictures taken during sunrise, I didn't include those during sunset due to high contrast from over-exposure sunlight.
They survived from a heavy downpour over an hour yesterday afternoon. Some Yellow Marigolds with bent necks, because of its full bloomed flower heavy with water.

I'm waiting for the chance to collect seeds from the wilting Zinnia and grow them. Another learning curve for me. Wish me luck!

Here's how Zinnia Pink's petals growing from the sides (left) then towards the middle (right). Tiny yellow flowers in the middle will soon fade and fall off and followed by its pink petals (right). Notice how the petals curl at the beginning as it takes into shape, this differs from Zinnia Yellow Flame.

Here's how Zinnia Pink's petals growing from the sides (left) then towards the middle (right). Tiny yellow flowers in the middle will soon fade and fall off and followed by its pink petals (right). Notice how the petals curl at the beginning as it takes into shape, this differs from Zinnia Yellow Flame.
Also Zinnia Pink could grow a foot taller than Zinnia Yellow Flame, almost covering our Marigolds.

Here, a full bloomed Zinnia Pink with Zinnia Yellow Flame.

Red rose (Choon's) bloomed beautifully in a sea of crimson tipped leaves. It's a healthy & refreshing sight.
Elsewhere in our garden, eye-catching of millions of blooms. Ixora looked like snow-capped mountains to me.

Below, our Common Water-plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica) spotting growth of new buds on a stem on each - so that means all 3 pots of Alisma will flower soon!
Hi jaime,
I was apprciating your flowers and with a baby on your hands, you are doing a good job of gardening. I'm surfing to check on kesidang and you have a really nice one. Enjoy your flowers and your baby too, mine are all grown up, the babies, I mean. Many thanks.
Hi Ritz! Thanks for your appreciative feedback :-) ... we love this fragrant flowering plant. Lately greeted only with lush green leaves - suspect it hasn't receive sufficient sunlight. Will post when it does flowers; when sun direction shifts!
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