18 days since we brought from the nursery, thriving calibrochoa despite rainy season and approx. 4-6 hours of sunlight. I'm delighted receving its continuous blooms even after I had it divided into 3 pots. Its colours brings the kind of cheery feeling when strolling in the garden. It blooms better when facing west as compared to a pot-stand facing north.
From top: Northwest corner window-sill (1st & 2nd); Southwest corner window-sill.
*cheery feeling: bright and pleasant; "a cheery hello"; "a gay sunny room"; "a sunny smile" (wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn) / showing or suggesting good spirits (thefreedictionary)
Update on 03/02/2009; This plant has not re-flowered since to my disapointment. Perhaps I need to relocate them for full sun throughout the day.
Place them in full sun, shade will severely limit the number of flowers. Superbells are self cleaning, you do not have to pinch off spent flowers. It can take the heat of hot southern summers making it a good replacement for petunias, and they can be perennial in zones 7 and warmer. www.shelbylandscaping.com/html/calibrochoa.html; http://www.naturehills.com/product/trailing_rose_superbells_calibrachoa.aspx
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