Tis' how Lantana Camara buds looked before blooming (Pic 1 & 3). Pic 2, a close-up of Lantana's berries, 3 of them, spotted today. In pic 3, when Lantana finished blooming leaving the stems as seen far left-bottom.
"Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower".- Shigenori Kameoka
Die-hard coleus in the midst of Heliconia. "Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are."- Alfred Austin
Pic above: Seedlings of Madasgascar Periwinkle, barely an inch above soil level - seeds in millions, 50% are germinated and next 25% survives the growing stage. Conclusion: it is not that easy!
[Update May-1,'09] A month later, seedling grown 4" tall. I'm guessing seedling will reach to a foot tall mid-June and matures. Perhaps its first bloom in July.
"A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself."- Leo Aikman
The 4th batch of Episcia, 3 x 5" black pot - recent cuttings transplanted; currently in a mini-nursery for 2 weeks with limited waterings, minimal sun exposure. Crispy and sturdy leaves, new growths from its main stem and new buds signifies survival (usually a month after repotting). Later, these matured Episcia will be transplanted into a planter-box to decorate the window-sill. [Updated May-2, 2009]
Pic of the mama-plant, Episcia. Blooming non-stop with eye-catching red, backed by its dark varied-coloured leaves.
Recounting the previous transplanted batches;
- 1st-watched closely as landscaper transplanted it but my over-watering killed it in a week.
- 2nd-made poor choice on cuttings in Nov however one cutting survived, 2 months later it bloomed.
- 3rd-gave away 3 pots in Feb, leaving one which didn't seem to do well at first, progressing slowly. [Update May-1,'09] It finally bloomed!
- And lastly the 4th-a plan to fill up the window-sill spot.
"Gardening is a humbling experience."- Martha Stewart
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