Like Kesidang, our pond flowering plant (alisma plantago-aquatica) hasn't bloom this year as well - spotted new buds on the way today.

Wrightia religiosa made-bongsai blooms in abundance - very happy with frequent rain and sunshine. I trimmed on during spare time, but look forward to more time to slowly
gradually shape its branches.
Episcia growing well on its own - light watering and filtered sunlight. Lovely colored tones leaves punctuated by its bright crimson flowers, beautifies window sills. Perhaps fertilizing and over time - crystalizing at the bottom of its pot. It's so happy in its spot and I can't bear to shift it!
Bright Turneras grounded and bushy! Mum-inlaw locate it next to compete with towering 6 feet high non-fragrant Wrightia. White Wrightia blooms nonstop. Spotted a few neighbours growing white Wrightia fronting their garden, makes attractive welcome.
5-petal blooms in yellow and white, quite a sight!
Inspecting blooms in varying colors, sizes and shapes all over the garden. His fav? 5-petal blooms in yellow and white; and white-purple plant in this pot; and the shrub (yet to find its name! Saved from the flowerbed) in the next pot.